nba2021年1月13日湖人vs火箭 nba赛程湖人对火箭1月13

2024-05-05 09:54:35

nba2021年1月13日湖人vs火箭 nba赛程湖人对火箭1月13


  1. 1月13日NBA常规赛小牛VS步行者 老鹰VS猛龙 热火VS 快船 湖人VS 勇士 雷霆VS 火箭
  2. 2009年1月14日NBA火箭对湖人那场谁赢了?
  3. 1月7号NBA~湖人VS快船。 1月10号火箭比赛中间放的那些科比比赛的插叙~~中的音乐叫什么名字?不是Amazing!!
  4. nba2012年4月7日湖人VS火箭比分是多少?

1月13日NBA常规赛小牛VS步行者 老鹰VS猛龙 热火VS 快船 湖人VS 勇士 雷霆VS 火箭

1月13日nba常规赛小牛vs步行者 老鹰vs猛龙 热火vs 快船 湖人vs 勇士 雷霆vs 火箭


腾讯体育讯 北京时间1月14日上午,火箭主场对阵湖人,虽然缺少了麦蒂、阿泰斯特等主将,但在姚明、沃弗尔带动下,火箭整场同湖人激烈抗衡,直将胜负悬念持续到读秒阶段,只是因阿尔斯通关键时刻2罚不中,以及姚明最后7.5秒不合理的出手,最终方100-105落败。姚明此战18投9中送出19分17个篮板,另有5次助攻3次封盖。孙悦在第三节后段为湖人出场2分53秒,但没有数据表现。 姚明数据不俗,却留下了疑问手--火箭最后7.5秒时有进攻权,落后3分,姚明内线得球后理应向外分球,但在接球不稳情况下,姚明仓促出手中投不中。沃弗尔成为本场亮点,全场他14投10中、三分球4中3,送出了23分,兰德里12投8中送出21分8个篮板。穆托姆博次节出场4分21秒,送出了4分1个篮板。 火箭全场命中率53%(83投44中),湖人50.6%(81投41中),湖人共6人得分上双,科比32投13中砍下全场最高分33分,另有7个篮板4次助攻,加索尔11分7个篮板4次助攻。

1月7号NBA~湖人VS快船。 1月10号火箭比赛中间放的那些科比比赛的插叙~~中的音乐叫什么名字?不是Amazing!!

《amazing》-kanye west

应该是这个! 很好听的! 在nba 2k10的宣传片也是这个背景音乐!


it's amazing

i'm the reason

everybody fired up this evening

i'm exhausted

barely breathing

holding on to what i believe in

no matter what

you'll never take that from me

my reign is as far as your eyes can see

it's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing (let's go)

i'm a monster

i'm a killer

i know i'm wrong, yeah

i'm a problem

that i never

ever resolved

and no matter what

you'll never take that from me

my reign is as far as your eyes can see

it's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing (let's go)

i'm a monster

i'm a maven

i know this world is changing

never gave in

never gave up

i'm the only thing i'm afraid of

no matter what

you'll never take that from me

my reign is as far as your eyes can see

it's amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing,

it's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing.

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

i'm amazing

yeah i'm all that

if i ain't on my grind

then what you call that


yeah we warriors

we make history

strive of victory

standing at my podium

i'm trying watch my sodium

die high blood pressure

you even let the feds get cha!

i'm amazing

born on the full moon

i was bred to get in

no spoon

that's why i'm so goose

summer time, no juice

big family, small house no rooms

they like oh god!

why you go so hard?

look what he's been through

he deserves an applause

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing

so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it's amazing


湖人:107 火箭:112. 我昨天看了.



nba2021年1月13日湖人vs火箭 nba赛程湖人对火箭1月13

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